Archive | September, 2010

Surviving the Hurricane.

21 Sep

I have just been through the most intense hurricane of my life. It was called Hurricane Fanapi and it was on the war path to China; Taiwan just happened to get in the middle of it. We were warned a couple days earlier to stock up on food and stay indoors. When the Hurricane hit, the winds tore through the city, the rain pooled everywhere in the roads and signs and loose objects flew everywhere. Ok, it wasn’t actually as bad as I may have made it sound. There were ripping winds, torrential rain, and signs that were ripped from walls, but for the most part it was more fun than anything. The actual center of the hurricane was further away, so we did not get it as bad.

So, my intentions when I first got here to Taiwan were to write an update about every two weeks. As the days went on, I realized that perhaps once a month would be much more realistic. Well, I am pretty sure it has been about three months since the last post. Terribly sorry. Does it count for anything if I say, “My computer crashed, and is now slowly giving up on me?”

I swore I would never do the peace sign for pictures...

Since it has been about three months since my last post, I honestly can say that I have no idea what to share with you. So much has happened. I am now officially finished 2/3 of my course. Only 3 more months to go! At this point, we have finished up the New Testament (aside from Matthew, which will be our last book studied), the Pentateuch (which is the first five books of the bible), and Joshua through Chronicles. I remember starting with Galatians thinking I have no idea how I am going to finish this book in one week. It’s six whole chapters! Now my thoughts are generally “ok, 65 chapters, yeah If I schedule my time wisely then I can get it done before the week is up.” My day usually consists of waking up to my alarm at 6:30am and hitting my snooze. 6:40am comes around-snooze. 7:00am-snooze. 7:30am-snooze. 7:31am- “Shoot. I only have 19 minutes!” At 7:50am I leave my apartment and begin walking to the classroom.Every morning I pass the cutest group of old Taiwanese people waiting to get into the health clinic. My goal is to make as many of them smile as possible. And I never walk by the medicine tea shop without waving hello to the sweet man working there, saying one of the only Chinese words I know, “Ni Hao.” Most days, at around 8:00am, I start my workday and don’t finish until 10:00pm at the earliest. But don’t worry; I do get a few breaks. On Wednesdays, I get to do my ministry and on Thursdays I get the privilege of babysitting the cutest child ever. His name is Jonathan Justice (Aka Johnny Justice or J.J.). And Sunday…that is my beautiful day of doing absolutely nothing.


Every Wednesday from 7:00pm to 10:00pm I work at a coffee bar owned by Ywam. It is open every night, and the drinks are free for all. At the coffee bar, we have a few different classes that people can partake in. We have, Spanish, English, and Korean class, as well as guitar, art, and dance classes. Aside from that, it is just a place for us to get to know the local Taiwanese and be able to build relationships with them and share the gospel.  For the most part, I work in the actual café and talk with people and share the gospel. My first term working there, I got to know two girls really well, and since then we have become really great friends. Their names are Jane Chiang and Jolly (sounding like Jolie) Kaku. Both are 22years old and have been extremely fun to get to know and share stories with. There is another woman who I have been investing a lot of time in as well. Her name is Maggie and she is 34 years old. It would be really wonderful if you would all pray for them if you get a chance.

Me, my classmate Mai, Jolly and Jane at a night market

Again... the peace sign.

Aside from the Rock, and studying in the classroom, I like to mix it up and study at (drum role please)… Starbucks. It is my home away from home. More often than not, I end up in a conversation with the person next to me, and Shazam… the next day I have a new facebook friend whose name I cant always pronounce. I just recently had the revelation that I might go there a little too often when I walked up to the counter and the barista said, “Hello Naphtalie.” I just looked at him and laughed. I had no idea they knew my name. Moments later I walked upstairs and began talking to another one of the Baristas named Frank and he mentioned a new drink they had. I said, “Perfect! That will be a nice way to switch things up. I am here so often.” Then he looked at me and said, “Trust me. We all know.” haha. Needless to say, I took a break from starbucks for about a week. Again, if you think about it, you can pray for Cherry, Frank, and Cedric (all Baristas).

Right now, I am on my last break for the year. It lasts until the 25th, so I have plenty of time to write more blogs, and perhaps you will get a better sense of what life is like here. I would love to talk with people also, so if you want to facebook me, I will have time to write you back, and if you would like to skype… even better. My Skype SN is: Naphers.
